Friday, July 10, 2020

How to Write a Perfect English 101 Final Essay

How to Write a Perfect English 101 Final EssayWhen students graduate from a class on English, they may not apply what they learned to a final essay. They need to be very clear and prepared with what they are going to write and how they are going to write it. Here are some tips that will help them.First, students should take English 101 with them wherever they go. This is a great way to study grammar and to learn new ways of expressing thoughts. Students should have both the written and oral component in the same book or be able to find an instructor who can help them with this.The next tip is to use the books and textbooks that are assigned in English 101. These will include the easy and difficult passages that are found throughout the course. Some assignments will require you to complete word puzzles, and many have essay-type parts.Another tip to get students writing their final essays is to include questions to ask. This is another way to expand their knowledge. For example, if you ask them, 'What is the most important fact about Scotland in your essay?'Most will likely not know the answer, but they will have a better idea as to what to say when asked the question. Also, ask them to give examples from history, for example, about history, about ancient cities, etc. This will be a good way to ask them questions and see if they know anything.A final tip is to work out a plan with your class, and put it in writing. This is another way to prepare them for the writing part of the final essay.These are just a few of the tips that students should learn about when they get to English 101. Itwill be helpful to both you and them to help them with any topics that they are unsure of. For example, you may want to use the written assignments and the Q&A portion to ask them about things that they might not have heard about.